Sunday, 01 March, 2015 20:50

Memphis in May 2015

Hello all,

One of the reasons we started Too Sauced To Pork was a way to combat the way many attendees and non-team members were treated at BBQ competitions. As you probably know, at Barbecue competitions many teams retreat into their booths only letting a few lucky people into their world. Our team is different. We based our BBQ team on inclusion vs exclusion and treat each other like a family. We have no secrets on our team and we share all of our knowledge openly. We give tours of our booth and cookers to interested passers by, in fact every year at the Memphis in May World Championship Barbecue Cooking Contest we open 20 TSTP team membership spots up for BBQ enthusiasts to join us and be a part of our family for this amazing contest.




Our Unofficial MIM BBQ Fest Guide is listed at the right of this post in the main menu. For anyone interested in attending the contest, this is a good read. It includes sample itineraries, contest best practices, and lots of other info for spectators and teams alike. If you attend the WCBCC drop by our booth and say hello…if we are not in the middle of turn ins or judging, we will be happy to give you a tour of our booth.


We currently have 8 new member spots available on the 2015 TSTP MIM WCBCC Team. We have filled up our 20 new spots faster than in previous years so if you are considering joining up with us please drop us a line by y clicking the JOIN US link on the main menu to the right —>

If you have not booked your hotel yet for Memphis in May BBQ Fest, I suggest doing it immediately before the team list is confirmed next week. Once this happens hotels fill up VERY fast. The link below is a map of hotels within walking distance of the contest.

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